Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Lily Days in Holland

Which do you like best?

I was in Holland at the beginning of June for Lily Days.  This is a time of year when the bulb hybridizers in Holland show off their lily varieties to growers from around the world.  I was with a group of California growers, we were hosted by Flamingo Bulbs and Onings Bulbs - KB’s largest bulb suppliers.  

Holland is such an amazing place to visit for a flower grower, the Dutch are so much more advanced when it comes to greenhouse technology.  Thank god we have such better climate to grow in. 

While viewing the vast array of lilies old and new, it occurred to me that KB doesn’t take many risks when it comes to varieties.  The Dutch tell me there are certain countries, especially in Europe where growers have to grow the new varieties every year because the customers expect to see new varieties.  

Then there are countries like China and the USA where everyone grows the same varieties because they are comfortable and familiar with those varieties.  Our production and sales department are the same way.  They say the customers do not want to try new varieties and if we offer them something different, they say they will just get what they want somewhere else.   

Here is a slide show with some novelty Asiatics, LA hybrids, Orientals and OT lilies, some old, some new.  I am interested in some feedback if you like the novelty bi-color lilies on the first 6 slides of the slide show.


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