Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Why California?


California gets a lot of bad press; costs, crimes, crowds, crazies, etc. but I believe there is no better place in the world to live and grow flowers. 

Why we love California?

The beach in the photo is 100 yards from our greenhouse.

The mountains are 10 miles away from our greenhouse. In between is some of the finest farm land in the world. 

This is what's keeping Kitayama Brothers competitive. We will work harder than anyone, so we can continue to live and work here. Many other neighbor growers have disappeared over the years. The result of too much regulation, increased production costs, overseas competition and to be honest, people just don’t want to do agricultural work.    
We feel fortunate that we have survived the rough years and are in a period of relative prosperity. However, we can’t rest, we must continue to evolve and transform our company and flowers to be competitive. That is another California trait, 30 miles over the Santa Cruz mountains is Silicon Valley. The most competitive business environment in the world. I believe their motivation is the same as ours, they want to be in Northern California and Silicon Valley is not even close to being as nice as where we are.

If you don’t believe us, come visit, we will be happy to show you around…

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